SoHo is closed

(Last updated: Fri, Oct 22 13:03 by Maggie)

SoHo is the ALLIES office and is located on the third floor of the Cohen University Center, Room 335. When it is open, feel free to come by to hang out, do work, or talk with someone who is SafeZone trained. Our SafeZone trained members regularly hold office hours in SoHo.

List of Gender-Neutral Restrooms

This page is unmaintained. For up-to-date information, visit PRISM's website

Campus Map

The Office of Title IX Initiatives maintains an up-to-date list of all-gender restrooms on their website; below is a copy of that list, as of November 21, 2019.

If you notice any errors, or would like to join the Restroom Access Committee, please contact the Activism Chair.

Academic/Administrative Campus Buildings

Residential Buildings (limited student access only)